At the end of every month, most banking customers dred looking at their bank statements because most banks, if not all banks comes up with "excuses" to make deductions from the account of customers. These includes SMS alert charges, account maintenance fees and others. The most annoying remains ATM card maintenance fee. Like? Who maintains a card you go out with?
For students, this have always left them in penury. Their money is always been deducted when the need it most. Even with constant calling and writing to banks for such charges to sto, banks have continued on abated.
In today's post, i will be showing you a banking app that helps you avoid such outrageous suggarges and how to register and enjoy their service. That app is VFD Bank. It is a cool banking app. Anyway before i start off, WHAT IS VFD BANK?
Well, VFD Bank, better known as Vee, is one of Nigeria's online bank. It is essentially created for the youth at heart. It helps it's customers make savings on bank charges and also earns by referrals. The app was launched last month by the VFD Group, who are the owners of VFD Microfinance bank. You see? It is registered and have bank level security.
Registering for Vee takes less than two minutes. But you will need the following to start off
1. An android or iOS phone: This is so important. Because it is app based. The app is the bank. You nee to download it first. For android users, download by searching on Google Play Store or clicking >>HERE<<. For iPhone users, search in the store or by clicking >>HERE<<
2. A working email: YES! This is very important. Here's where all your alert notifications go to and log in informations, so you know where your account is been tempered with by anyone, which is very UNlIKElY!
3. Phone Number: You cant't say you don't have a phone number. Anyway, it is important but it should be your BVN registered number for easy integration because a confirmation SMS would be sent to it to confirm it is you that is registering.
4. BVN number: With this number, which about 38 million Nigerians have already, the app easily gets your details and confirms it is you.
If you have all this and have downloaded the app, we are good to go.
Simply open the app. Input the required details and VOILA! you are banking with Vee and saving as well.
ANY ISSUES? Lets us know by your comments. Thank you.
"Do not SAVE what is left after SPENDING, but SPEND what is left after SAVING"
For students, this have always left them in penury. Their money is always been deducted when the need it most. Even with constant calling and writing to banks for such charges to sto, banks have continued on abated.
In today's post, i will be showing you a banking app that helps you avoid such outrageous suggarges and how to register and enjoy their service. That app is VFD Bank. It is a cool banking app. Anyway before i start off, WHAT IS VFD BANK?
Well, VFD Bank, better known as Vee, is one of Nigeria's online bank. It is essentially created for the youth at heart. It helps it's customers make savings on bank charges and also earns by referrals. The app was launched last month by the VFD Group, who are the owners of VFD Microfinance bank. You see? It is registered and have bank level security.
"The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it"
Registering for Vee takes less than two minutes. But you will need the following to start off
1. An android or iOS phone: This is so important. Because it is app based. The app is the bank. You nee to download it first. For android users, download by searching on Google Play Store or clicking >>HERE<<. For iPhone users, search in the store or by clicking >>HERE<<
2. A working email: YES! This is very important. Here's where all your alert notifications go to and log in informations, so you know where your account is been tempered with by anyone, which is very UNlIKElY!
3. Phone Number: You cant't say you don't have a phone number. Anyway, it is important but it should be your BVN registered number for easy integration because a confirmation SMS would be sent to it to confirm it is you that is registering.
4. BVN number: With this number, which about 38 million Nigerians have already, the app easily gets your details and confirms it is you.
If you have all this and have downloaded the app, we are good to go.
Simply open the app. Input the required details and VOILA! you are banking with Vee and saving as well.
ANY ISSUES? Lets us know by your comments. Thank you.